Thursday, October 16, 2014

Scope Blog Call Of Duty

The inspiring story "Call of Duty" made me realize that the  dog handlers from the military, should be able to keep them if they want.  Dogs are a big help to the marines and the last thing that dogs need is to be abandoned or not taken care by someone . In the story we meet Jose Armenta.  He was a handler to a dog named Zenit. Zenit was a dog used for military purposes. Zenit could sense when there was a bomb or an attack towards the military, Zenit would then alert Jose. This story reminded me of my uncle. My uncle's name is Luis and he served in the military for 8 years and he was a dog handler for a dog named Potofo. My uncle was happy that he got to work with a dog. My uncle said "Potofo is my best friend im so happy I even met him" . My uncle ended up taking Potofo (Po-to-Fo). All the time I see Potofo he is energetic and full of joy. From what my uncle told me I strongly believe that dog handlers should have the capability to take there dogs if they want to. Jose lost 2 legs because of a bomb. Zenit was sad to leave his dog handler and be with someone else. Dogs are like humans they miss there owners when they haven't seen them in a long time. The Message was that dogs are very special to dog handlers. Dog handlers are like attached to the dog, because they both have been through a lot. Like Jose he went through a lot with Zenit and they ended up living together because of how strong there bond was.

1 comment:

  1. Great connection! Why didn't you share this is class? I think everyone would have wanted to hear about your uncle.
