Saturday, May 16, 2015

Grimm conclusion 7th blog

I'm happy to say that I finally finished the book "The Grimm Conclusion". I was kind of happy about how the ended. I don't want to give it away but I actually enjoyed it. Unlike the other book "The Tale Dark and Grimm" where the author left the readers with a confused ending. I also liked how the other put "The end" and then you would flip the page and it was say "well maybe the end" because it gives readers like me an idea if there is going to be another book. I honestly do think that there's going to be another book because of how the book ended

Letter to author: 

Adam gidwits is truly and amazing author. You make your book so interesting and it grabs readers attention. For example in the first couple pagers of the book you ask if anyone has read fairy tales and you demanded the reader to raise his/hers hand. The author then Said " I don't care if you in a library by your self or if your with you friends, just raise you hand" it's like you knew what we are going to do. In the book I felt like you were literally talking to me. I really like your books and I truly think there should be one more book. 

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