Sunday, March 29, 2015

Fish in a tree second blog

I am close to the end of the book "Fish in A tree" so far Ally is beginning to not really focus on herself and what others think about her. Mr.Daniel, who is Ally's teacher has helped and worked with Ally about her self esteem and how she is different from many students at her school. Mr.Daniel tries to explain to Ally about how good of a student she is and how she has helped others who have been blocked out of society and in school because they are different. Ally helps others to realize that there in the world for a purpose and that they should be who they are.

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AHA MOMENT: In the first few chapters of the book it explains how ally's trapped in a lonesome world and how she feels that she cant be herself because people judge her for how she is. After being in a class with Mr.Daniel's she notices how Mr.Daniel acts himself with other students and how he doesn't care how other students view's him. Ally notices how she should be more liker her teacher and not care what others say.

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